- yet more Belle and Sebastian live covers...the sound quality varies... (Cable and Tweed)
- new live songs from Wolf Parade (I guess I'm floating)
- The Boy Least Likely To live on KCRW (So much silence)
- Yet another Raconteurs song: Intimate Secretary (when apes rule the earth!)
- the Decemberists' cover of Mr. Blue Sky? giggle-deserving (...good weather for airstrikes)
MP3's are here for sampling purposes only (so please don't steal my bandwidth by linking directly to song files).
If you are an artist or label and want an MP3 taken down, send an e-mail to:
theglorioushum (at) gmail (dot) com
and the file will be down ASAP.
Contact Information
Want to
...Submit music?
...Ask questions?
...Write for The Glorious Hum?
E-mail me (Kate) at
theglorioushum (at) gmail (dot) com
Some suggestions and notes regarding submissions (and other requests) can be found here.
About The Glorious Hum.

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Recent Posts
- rain...and no rain
Kate, 4/17/2006 08:51:00 PM - the problems of suburbia
Kate, 4/15/2006 07:06:00 PM - downloads fun
Kate, 4/15/2006 01:36:00 PM - I took down my counter because it was so depressin...
Kate, 4/14/2006 10:34:00 PM - more news, more tour dates
Kate, 4/13/2006 02:23:00 PM - updated: concerts you/I should see
Kate, 4/12/2006 11:17:00 AM - Cheney, Bright Eyes, and other news
Kate, 4/12/2006 09:27:00 AM - music news fun
Kate, 4/10/2006 05:08:00 PM - oh. yeah. maybe i should post.
Kate, 4/10/2006 12:52:00 PM - slacking!
Kate, 4/04/2006 08:00:00 PM
More music, please
- 3hive
- 5 Acts~
- Any Major Dude With Half A Heart
- An Aquarium Drunkard
- Bag of Songs
- Blow Yr Gourd~
- Brooklyn Vegan
- Cable and Tweed
- Cause=Time
- Come Pick Me Up
- Dead Flowers
- Deep Movements~
- Exitfare
- Fluxblog
- Heartache with Hard Work
- Hits In the Car
- I am fuel, you are friends
- I Guess I'm Floating
- Indiescreet
- Instrumental Analysis~
- I Rock Cleveland~
- Lost in Your Inbox
- marathonpacks
- Mars Needs Guitars
- More Dynamics~
- Motel de Moka
- Music For Kids Who Can't Read Good
- My Old Kentucky Blog
- Obscure Sound
- Oceans Never Listen
- Pop Headwound
- Quick, Before It Melts
- Retro Music Snob
- Rock Sellout
- Ryan's Smashing Life
- Said the Gramophone
- Sensory Overload~
- Skatterbrain~
- Song, by Toad
- songs:illinois
- Stereogum
- The Borderland~
- The Late Greats
- The Lone Microphone~
- This Recording
- The Torture Garden
- The Yellow Stereo
- The Umbilical Chord~
- Vinyl District~
- You Ain't No Picasso
- Yuppiepunk
~~~ Locals - DC and Ohio
The blogosphere needs more of these, for sure.
Yellow Bird Project
Buy a band's T-shirt, support a charity.
Included in the project: Rilo Kiley, the Shins, Devendra Banhart, Stars, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, and others.
DC Area Blogs
- Black Plastic Bag (WCP)
- DC Blogs
- DC Foodies
- DCist
- Go Fug Yourself
- Metro Music Scene
- Plight of the Pumpernickel
- Spotted: DC Summer Interns
- Suburban Sweetheart
- The Anti-Real World DC
Political Commentators, Etc.
Places I Frequent
Last week's top played artists

Technical Support
I owe a big thank you to my Oberlin buddy Harris for some of the coding and for file-hosting (*hearts Harris*); you can hire him to build your website just because he's that awesome.
(Pretty Please) Bookmark The Glorious Hum on del.icio.us
My TTLB Ecosystem Details

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