I'm slightly more awake than I was this morning (meaning 1:30 pm?), thank goodness
Sufjan's got a new album NOT a new baby. Thank goodness.
The samples I've compiled from other blogs so far (I think I'm floating is the only one I remember): Adlai Stevenson and The Avalanche
DCFC will be on Letterman on April 13th @ 11:30. Yep
Neko Case in concert! download NPR's recording
R.E.M. and Minus 5 members off on improv tour...and not coming to the east coast as far as I can tell. Fun, just not for us.
The post's review of the Raconteurs' first live show...and their main point is that Jack White doesn't have problems with needing to be the center of attention? Disgusting
Good: Bush's approval ratings go down down down
Better: Who do Americans trust to protect the country??? Oh yeah - the answer to that question is now a tie. Go Mystery Pollster.
Funny: Homer Simpson's pre-historic ancestors (Satirical Veracity)
Funnier: Poor Eleanor Clift...being made fun of for a poorly worded part of an editorial...(Wonkette)
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