It should be known that I love Dana Milbank, the WP's most wonderfully cheeky columnist. However, I didn't love his article yesterday so much. No, I'm not mad at Dana for making fun of Obama, because I love it he makes fun of politicians.
But this article had a certain problem with journalistic standards. He's not a liar, but he really should have called to check his quotes. I think Media Matters and Comments from Left Field do the best job summing it up.
Some less problematic, more hilarious Dana Milbank columns:
Sorry We Asked, Sorry You Told
Put Your Right Wing In, Take Your Left Wing Out
The D.C. Madam Case, All Sordid Out
To the Loser Go the Spoils
On a related note, I urge you to check out Extra Golden's song Obama, as described by Said the Gramophone.
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